Sunday, December 7, 2008

Now that it's over

I still find myself terribly jealous of people who effortlessly conceive. One of the girls that I work with just had a baby and we were entering a charity drawing and she was complaining that she has no money because she has a baby. Before I could stop myself, I told her that I have no money and still no baby to show for it. She knows someone who just had a baby and spent about $30 thousand to do it, so I think she understands, but it just bothers me. Appreciate that you have a healthy and beautiful baby. I would. I am having more good days than bad, though. I wasn't in the mood for Christmas anything a few weeks ago - I just wanted to hide from it all, since I was really hoping to send out ultrasound pictures with our Christmas cards, but the mood has started to infect me, which is a good thing, since my MIL is in the hospital, so I am taking care of as much of her Christmas shopping as I can.

I went to a craft fair last weekend, and was talking to the friend of a friend who has been having trouble. I knew about her trouble from my friend, but I don't know if she knew what we had been through. In many ways, I think her journey has been worse, though. She has endometriosis and had surgery to correct it a few years ago. She recently changed doctors and her new doctor told her that the old doctor didn't do what she said that she did in the surgery, so she had to have surgery again. This time it worked and she and her husband conceived on their own, only to lose the baby at 12 weeks. She is having a really hard time with the holidays and was going to seek out a support group to help her through.

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