Friday, November 14, 2008

IUI on surgery day!

So, where was I? Oh, that's right - I had just had my DH's sperm inserted past my cervix and I was on my way to the hospital to have surgery! How could I forget?

I arrived at the hospital, which I had never been to before and I can't help but wonder if they will cancel becuase DH's sperm is going for the gold right then! I had told the RE's office that I was going into have surgery that day and they were not concerned as long as the surgeon wasn't concerned. I spoke to the admitting nurse and she told me that there was no reason to cancel. They wouldn't cancel if I had just had sex the night before, so they wouldn't cancel now.

***Breaking into the story now in progress... someone in the elevator at work, who is blissfully ignorant of the BQ (Baby Quest) asked me "How is L doing today?" I nearly responded "Moderately depressed and struggling to keep from crying everytime I see a happy pregnant woman, a newborn or any of the hordes of people who have gotten pregnant since we've been trying. And you?" Instead, I was able to control my inside my head voice and mumbled something non comittal in reply. The ones that you make to people who really don't know you and are just trying to be nice. Speaking of that, I have to tell you about the inquiry from a person who does know about the BQ and knows about the recent failure, who e-mailed me the other day "How you doing? I haven't had a chance to talk to you in a long time." Chances are, she had been avoiding me, since I responded to an earlier e-mail that things were NOT fine, but I digress. I responded to this e-mail with "I'm trying to hang in there, but some days are better than others and most of them I don't really feel like talking about any of it." Honest, yet not burdening her with all of it and not being bitchy, right? Her response? "I'm sorry, I think you mis-understood me. I wasn't specifically speaking of that as I didn't expect you to talk about that. I was speaking in general." THAT??? You must mean the miscarriage of the baby I wanted so badly... THAT. Huh. So I responded " I did understand... In general, I'm hanging in. There isn't much else happening in my life that doesn't revolve around babies and the lack of them in my house, so everything ends up back there for me." Ok, I admit it - it was bitchy, but come on... She didn't have all of the challenges having her daughter that we are having, but her brother and sil did. You know, now I think I understand why they never talked to her about it all... hmmm... I'm not normally that thick, but it took me this long to figure it out.

Ok, so back to the surgery last year. Things went smoothly, the surgeon was great, the anesthesiologist was great (no anesthesia hangover - YEAH!!!) and it wasn't a hernia! Surgery was so quick, that by the time DH came to get me, I just needed to get dressed and get discharged and I could go! So then I went home for a couple of days, back to work and just waited to see if the IUI worked. And, of course, it didn't.

To be honest, I've actually lost track of how many IUIs we've done and how many of those were without any meds, how many were with what dosage of clomid, but we did one with injectibles. DH wasn't too keen on doing the shots, but he was lucky. I did the folistim myself, in the abdomen and when it was time for the intramuscular shot of hCG, the nurse was able to do it. The scan were showing that my folicles were reacting well to the meds. I had 3 nice sized ones on one side and 1 nice sized one on the other. The nurse actually came running after me to make sure that I realized that not only could all of them fertilize, but that some or all could split. I told her that DH and I had discussed multiples and that we would be fine with it. We could just give them away on the corner. JK, although we have infertile friends who would be very willing to take one or two. JK again. I couldn't give anyone away... We didn't want to be John and Kate, but really - after almost 3 years of trying at that point, I would be thrilled taking home as many babies as possible! We would have to move as soon as anyone started walking, but we can handle anything. Ok - ALMOST anything. This no baby thing isn't being handled so well...

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